Care Providers (otherwise know as Foster Parents) who are part of the Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata Centre Caring for Our Relatives Program provide culturally appropriate, safe and nurturing homes for individual and sibling groups based on a community care model.
The Caring for Our Relatives Program offers advocacy, support and training for all Care Providers. Each home is assigned a helper/mentor who provides support and guidance to both the Care Provider and children in the home. The focus within our Caring for Our Relatives service model is to work as a team with the foster family, mandated agencies, sister organizations and birth families whenever possible.
Care Home Programs
Eagle Horse Society
The Eagle Horse Society is an emergency placement program for children ages 0-10. Care Providers in the Eagle Horse Society program care for children on a short-term basis for up to 90 days.
The CLOUT Program is a short-term placement program for children ages 0-8. Care Providers in the CLOUT program care for children for 6-12 months while families work towards reunification.
The Ozosunon program is one of the longest-running programs within the Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata Centre. Ozosunon homes provide ongoing care for children and youth ages 0-21. Care Providers care for children on a long-term basis.
Become a Care Provider with Us
We are currently seeking Care Providers for Winnipeg, Manitoba and surrounding communities: Headingley, St. Norbert, East St. Paul, and West St. Paul.
Care Providers are responsible for maintaining daily care and communication (telephone calls and documentation) for the children in their care and participating in ongoing learning and comprehensive training.
Successful applicants will be subject to Criminal Record, Child Abuse Registry Checks, and Prior Contact Checks.
For more information please contact caring-for-our-relatives@mamawi.com or fill out the form below and one of our Care Home team members will be happy to follow-up.
What We Offer
- 1:1 Mentorship with a Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata Care Planner
- Advocacy and support, daily communication
- Biweekly compensation to cover cost of child(ren) in your care
What You Offer
- Loving and supportive home environment to share with a youth in care
- Dedicated bedroom(s) for youth or sibling groups sharing your home
- Open communication and desire to learn
Are you ready to invite a youth-in-care into your home?
Fill out the form below and a Care Planner will follow up to discuss the process with you.